
stump n. 殘株, 樹樁, 根茬, 殘肢, 煙蒂, 蠟燭頭, 講演台 vt. 使成殘株, 挑戰, 難住, 在…進行遊說 vi. 腳步沉重地走, 遊說

I stumped
You stumped
He stumped
She stumped
It stumped
We stumped
You stumped
They stumped

I stump
You stump
He stumps
She stumps
It stumps
We stump
You stump
They stump

I will stump
You will stump
He will stump
She will stump
It will stump
We will stump
You will stump
They will stump

I was stumping
You were stumping
He was stumping
She was stumping
It was stumping
We were stumping
You were stumping
They were stumping

I am stumping
You are stumping
He is stumping
She is stumping
It is stumping
We are stumping
You are stumping
They are stumping

I will be stumping
You will be stumping
He will be stumping
She will be stumping.
It will be stumping
We will be stumping
You will be stumping
We will be stumping

I had stumped
You had stumped
He had stumped
She had stumped
It had stumped
We had stumped
You had stumped
They had stumped

I have stumped
You have stumped
He has stumped
She has stumped
It has stumped
We have stumped
You have stumped
They have stumped

I will have stumped
You will have stumped
He will has stumped
She will have stumped
It will have stumped
We will have stumped
You will have stumped
They will have stumped

I had been stumping
You had been stumping
He had been stumping
She had been stumping
It had been stumping
We had been stumping
You had been stumping
They had been stumping

I have been stumping
You have been stumping
He has been stumping
She has been stumping
It has been stumping
We have been stumping
You have been stumping
They have been stumping

I will had been stumping
You will had been stumping
He will had been stumping
She will had been stumping
It will had been stumping
We will had been stumping
You will had been stumping
They will had been stumping

132 筆 / 共 139