
libel n. 誹謗罪, 誹謗的文字 vt. 誹謗, 中傷 vi. 誹謗, 中傷

I libeled、libelled
You libeled、libelled
He libeled、libelled
She libeled、libelled
It libeled、libelled
We libeled、libelled
You libeled、libelled
They libeled、libelled

I libel
You libel
He libels/libels
She libels/libels
It libels/libels
We libel
You libel
They libel

I will libel
You will libel
He will libel
She will libel
It will libel
We will libel
You will libel
They will libel

I was libeling、libelling
You were libeling、libelling
He was libeling、libelling
She was libeling、libelling
It was libeling、libelling
We were libeling、libelling
You were libeling、libelling
They were libeling、libelling

I am libeling、libelling
You are libeling、libelling
He is libeling、libelling
She is libeling、libelling
It is libeling、libelling
We are libeling、libelling
You are libeling、libelling
They are libeling、libelling

I will be libeling、libelling
You will be libeling、libelling
He will be libeling、libelling
She will be libeling、libelling.
It will be libeling、libelling
We will be libeling、libelling
You will be libeling、libelling
We will be libeling、libelling

I had libeled、libelled
You had libeled、libelled
He had libeled、libelled
She had libeled、libelled
It had libeled、libelled
We had libeled、libelled
You had libeled、libelled
They had libeled、libelled

I have libeled、libelled
You have libeled、libelled
He has libeled、libelled
She has libeled、libelled
It has libeled、libelled
We have libeled、libelled
You have libeled、libelled
They have libeled、libelled

I will have libeled、libelled
You will have libeled、libelled
He will has libeled、libelled
She will have libeled、libelled
It will have libeled、libelled
We will have libeled、libelled
You will have libeled、libelled
They will have libeled、libelled

I had been libeling、libelling
You had been libeling、libelling
He had been libeling、libelling
She had been libeling、libelling
It had been libeling、libelling
We had been libeling、libelling
You had been libeling、libelling
They had been libeling、libelling

I have been libeling、libelling
You have been libeling、libelling
He has been libeling、libelling
She has been libeling、libelling
It has been libeling、libelling
We have been libeling、libelling
You have been libeling、libelling
They have been libeling、libelling

I will had been libeling、libelling
You will had been libeling、libelling
He will had been libeling、libelling
She will had been libeling、libelling
It will had been libeling、libelling
We will had been libeling、libelling
You will had been libeling、libelling
They will had been libeling、libelling

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