
coax vt. 誘哄, 誘騙, 耐心地處理 vi. 哄騙, 勸誘 n. 哄騙的話語, 花言巧語

I coaxed
You coaxed
He coaxed
She coaxed
It coaxed
We coaxed
You coaxed
They coaxed

I coax
You coax
He coaxs
She coaxs
It coaxs
We coax
You coax
They coax

I will coax
You will coax
He will coax
She will coax
It will coax
We will coax
You will coax
They will coax

I was coaxing
You were coaxing
He was coaxing
She was coaxing
It was coaxing
We were coaxing
You were coaxing
They were coaxing

I am coaxing
You are coaxing
He is coaxing
She is coaxing
It is coaxing
We are coaxing
You are coaxing
They are coaxing

I will be coaxing
You will be coaxing
He will be coaxing
She will be coaxing.
It will be coaxing
We will be coaxing
You will be coaxing
We will be coaxing

I had coaxed
You had coaxed
He had coaxed
She had coaxed
It had coaxed
We had coaxed
You had coaxed
They had coaxed

I have coaxed
You have coaxed
He has coaxed
She has coaxed
It has coaxed
We have coaxed
You have coaxed
They have coaxed

I will have coaxed
You will have coaxed
He will has coaxed
She will have coaxed
It will have coaxed
We will have coaxed
You will have coaxed
They will have coaxed

I had been coaxing
You had been coaxing
He had been coaxing
She had been coaxing
It had been coaxing
We had been coaxing
You had been coaxing
They had been coaxing

I have been coaxing
You have been coaxing
He has been coaxing
She has been coaxing
It has been coaxing
We have been coaxing
You have been coaxing
They have been coaxing

I will had been coaxing
You will had been coaxing
He will had been coaxing
She will had been coaxing
It will had been coaxing
We will had been coaxing
You will had been coaxing
They will had been coaxing

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